Whitening trays burning gums

Whitening trays burning gums This only happens if teeth whitening is used too much and too often, or if the instructions are not followed by your dentist, or if you are using a generic over the counter trays and not a custom tray that is fitted to your teeth which is made by your dentist. We will instruct you on how to use the at-home trays to help you protect your gums from any irritation. Modify your diet to limit acids during active whitening periods. If you are given take-home trays to use, your dentist will confirm they fit properly to avoid any problems as you whiten your teeth on your own time. Be careful not to overfill your trays with this stuff because if it gets onto your gums it can really hurt and it will turn them white for an hour or so. What’s your advice to Áoife Wills shared her botched teeth-whitening experience in a viral Facebook post. I got this tooth whitening system from my dentist on Tuesday. From ZOOM whitening to custom-fit bleaching trays, modern dentistry offers a number of whitening options that fit any lifestyle . My teeth went to shade B1 a couple of weeks after whitening finished, although they did go a bit scary and too white for a couple of days. You . And teeth whitening treatments have never been more popular. [Here is aBut in general, the question: Can teeth whitening burn your gums, the answer is yes. 11. If a whitening product uses trays which don’t properly contain the peroxide gel often found in whitening kits, this could lead to burning of the gums, or even the product to be accidentally swallowed. Burning of the gums can lead to gum recession that is irreversible without the use of gum surgery to correct this. Do not leave in bleaching trays for longer than directed. If you do a one step in-office whitening this 01. I continued until I completed the course (14 day left on for 30min). Sheppard - Pediatric Dentist North Phoenix Like a kid I used-to love eating sweets (I still do) on aWhitening Strips on the other hand, don’t allow many bleaching molecules to enter your teeth because of their design, and this means that you will have less sensitivity. She was left with badly burned gums, and is urging people be cautious. 09. I know a lot of people would likely prefer to use a smaller concentration and keep the trays in longer, but I like that you can use these for an hour or less and still get great results. 2010 · Then I applied the gel to the teeth rather than the trays and that worked well, no sensitivity, sore gums or streaking. It came with the Philips Zoom! DayWhite 14% hydrogen peroxide solution. Regardless of the method chosen, there are a few simple tips that can add longevity to a ‘new’ whiter, brighter smile Whitening trays burning gums