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Taxation is theft bridge

Someone comes in and forcibly takes that from me without my permission. 2011 · Whenever liberals are brought up the idea that taxation is theft, they usually giggle and say that it's not because taxation is necessary, tell me to go live in the woods and the usual bullshit excuses. 2019 · Is taxation theft?Taxation is not theft, it's your contribution to society. I may call for zero taxation, and personally think that nearly all taxation in my life was a theft to me. How is that NOT theft? Answer Save. The problem is, what some may describe as positive things have been placed, into taxation. 04. 12. 10 Answers. But they never refute the case that if I refuse to pay my extortion fee, that armed thugs will put me in a cage, and if I resist hard enough I 17. Nobody is forcing you to be a citizen. Taxation is only theft if you're really sure that your life would be better in a place that didn't have meat inspection, road maintenance, water works, libraries, fire departments, laws, national defence, education, emergency services, public safety measures, and the rest of the services you rely on that taxes collectively pay for. Log in to reply to the answers Post; Spock (rhp) Lv 7. Theft is a selfish act on the part of the thief; taxation is a selfish act on the part of society, but ostensibly for the good of all that are a part of it. 10. The problem is all you little shits barely care for society so you bitch about what benefits everyone. 07. Lotsa luck with your bs. Lv 7. But, others may cite personal experience where taxation has helped save the life of a loved one. In a free market, a business will succeed based on how well it serves its customers. 7 months ago. Prior to the 20th century, our limited government allowed entrepreneurs and Taxation is not equal to theft, but taxation is akin to theft in many instances. 15. These sounds like present-tense declarative statements to me -- statements about the way things are right now, and not suppositions about what is possible in some future. 02. 2019 · Taxation is theft, change my mind? I work hard. 2009 · Alternatives to Taxation Auberon Herbert, the founder of voluntaryism, famously claimed not to be an anarchist, saying that anarchists do not understand themselves, and that government would continue to exist even in an anarchy. 0 0 0. I make a lot of money. No roads are funded through the acts of a thief, nor is education provided for, nor the courts managed, nor is a fire department funded. John. Taxation by fraud, force, fiefdom. it is the price of living in a civilized society with …02. 2017 · Taxation is not theft, it is consensual. Relevance.

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