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No taxation without representation. colonists use this phrase to suggest that

they should have a representative in Parliament. they wanted to pass their own tax laws and collect taxes. Further, the colonists wanted Parliamentary recognition of this perceived right. According to him: “They are represented by the same virtual colonists used the phrase no taxation without representation to suggest that - 6580929What does the phrase no taxation without representation mean? "no taxation without representation" means that they dont want taxes without somebody to speak for them (the colonists)No taxation without representation means that there should NT be taxes if you are not represented. taxes should be equal for Britain and the colonies. If taxes were necessary, then the Americans wanted their own assemblies to impose them. This was the case in the 1700's when the British taxed the colonies. . taxes should be the same for Britain and the colonies. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. No taxation without representation. C. B. taxes should not represent more than the coloniesNo taxation without representation meant that the government had to pass all taxes. Essentially, "No taxation without representation" really meant, "No taxation by Parliament. The representation used to be land until it became virtual representation. Colonists use this phrase to suggest thatthey wanted to pass their own tax laws. This is according to English history. Colonists used the phrase "No taxation without representation" to suggest that A. Samuel Johnson trashed the plea of colonists who had no vote to be unrepresented. D. they should have a vote on taxes in Parliament. taxes should not represent more than the colonies owed. Start studying Chapter 6 Review. No representation …Nwho intoduce the phrase no taxation without representation? We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and Start studying No Taxation Without Representation, Continental Congress, and Declaration of Independence

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