Define taxes in sentences

To this sum the land and poll-tax and other direct taxes contributed £374,630. Depretis, for his part, was compelled to declare impracticable the immediate abolition of the grist tax, and to frame a bill for the increase of revenue, acts which caused the secession of some sixty Radicals and Republicans from the ministerial majority, and gave the signal for an agitation against the premier similar to that which he himself had formerly undertaken against the Right. . tax: Compulsory monetary contribution to the state's revenue, assessed and imposed by a government on the activities, enjoyment, expenditure, income, occupation Taxes will rise, and social programs will grow. See more. Sin taxes aren't high enough to offset the behavior's cost to society. In economics, taxes fall on whomever pays the burden of the tax, whether this is the entity being taxed, such as a business, or the end consumers of the business's goods. Behold, This Is Asterismos! What Are Coordinating Conjunctions in English? Inspirational Speeches to Share with Students Gr 7-12 Amongst taxes strictly so called were the market dues or tolls, which in some cases approximated to excise duties, though in their actual mode of levy they were closely similar to the octrois of modern times. By economies and new taxes Sella had reduced the deficit to less than 2,000,000 in 1871, but for 1872 he found himself confronted with a total expenditure of 8,ooo,ooo in excess of revenue. The Running Style in Rhetoric: Definition and Examples. If they were, they'd be a Pigouvian tax . Taxes on imports and exports, not exceeding the equivalent of io% ad valorem, direct taxation of Europeans, and a poll tax on native adult males, a tax on ivory and the Government share in the exploitation of mines were the chief sources of revenue; the administrative services and interest on debt the largest items of expenditure. He makes us pay taxes and gives us nothing in return. How to Define Loose Sentence in Prose. And Here Are Examples of the Sentence Style Known as Polysyndeton. What Are Conditional Clauses in English Grammar? The Rhetorical Balancing Act Known as Isocolon. An example of this type of tax is the carbon tax . Tax definition, a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc

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